Every year, “Léman sans Frontière” invites its members to attend two general meetings. A committee meets 6 to 8 times a year and is representative of the diversity of the partners. Its aim is to ensure the operation of the association.

About us

In 1994, two Swiss tourist sites, Moléson-sur-Gruyères and Le Bouveret, decided to join forces to implement a joint promotional campaign.
The concept of “Léman sans Frontière” was born.
Founded in 1995, the association Léman sans Frontière, which originally included 12 French and Swiss partners, expanded to 16 members in 1996. It continued to grow, reaching 37 partners in 2002. At present, the association boasts 28 Franco-Swiss tourist sites around Lake Geneva.
In accordance with the objectives laid down in a charter and a concept, the association is pursuing its development through a number of joint actions. Its aim is to promote the rich heritage of the Lake Geneva region, the neighbouring Alps and Gruyère through a dynamic and interactive approach to the clientele, materialised by means of:
- the publication of an informative document distributed via all the selected partner sites, tourist offices, numerous hotels and other such facilities around the sites concerned.
- the implementation of specific hospitality and information actions encouraging locals and holidaymakers alike to take full advantage of their leisure and holiday time.
- the development and promotion of a Franco-Swiss tourist offer (excursions and holidays).
The association
The presidency of “Léman sans Frontière” alternates between a representative of a Swiss site and a representative of a French site.
The Committee
The board comprises:
- Mr Philippe Benoit, President
- Ms Carole Tupin, Vice-President, representing Yvoire Tourisme, Destination Leman (F)
- Mr Georges Oberson, Treasurer, representing MOB/Golden Pass (CH)
- Mr Frédéric Delachaux, Secretary General, representing MOB/Golden Pass (CH).
- Mr Félicien Rey-Bellet, representing Glacier 3000, Les Diablerets (CH),
- Mr Damien Fulbert, representing the Swiss Vapeur Parc (CH)