mobi-leman itineraries

19 itinéraires franco-suisses autour du lac Léman à découvrir avec l'application mobi-leman.

19 itineraries showcase more than 200 points of interest !

The Conseil du Léman, in cooperation with Aintourisme and the Franco-Swiss association Léman sans Frontière, presents the first cross-border tourist app for the region around Lake Geneva. The mobi-leman app is free and helps mobile users to discover cultural, natural and historical points of interest along themed itineraries on both shores of Lake Geneva. The 19 themed itineraries (on foot, by bike or by car) can be discovered by downloading the mobi-leman app from App Store or Google Play.

Each partner territory (the departments of Ain and Haute-Savoie in France and the Swiss cantons of Geneva, Vaud, Valais and Fribourg) proposes three themed itineraries. Fifteen points of interest can be explored along each route.

Each route reflects a particular theme. The points of interest are presented in a fun, convivial and colourful manner through videos, sound recordings, slide shows and augmented reality. Different means of transport – car, bike foot or boat – are recommended depending on the length of the circuit and the route taken.


By following the route on the app’s map, mobile users can easily navigate from one point on the itinerary to another as the whim takes them. Thanks to geolocalisation, users are informed by an audible signal when they are only a few hundred metres from the point of interest. Once on site, they can consult the app, watching and listening to discover the chosen site. With its comprehensive information and numerous anecdotes, this multimedia content is only displayed once the point of interest is detected by the telephone’s GPS system.


This project is support by the Conseil du Léman and has been selected to be part of the European INTERREG IV France-Switzerland cross-border cooperation programme co-financed by ERDF and the FEDERAL INTERREG. The Conseil du Léman, the association Léman sans Frontière and the territories concerned also contribute to funding the project.