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Bex Salt Mines

Bex Open
© Bex Salt Mines - Gabriel Monnet - Salines Suisses SA / Mines de Sel de Bex
  • © Bex Salt Mines - Gabriel Monnet - Salines Suisses SA / Mines de Sel de Bex
  • © Bex Salt Mines - Gabriel Monnet - Salines Suisses SA / Mines de Sel de Bex

Discover Bex's hidden treasure - a vast, underground labyrinthe that lead's to one of history's most valuable items... salt!


  • A mountain carved with a vast network of staircases, enormous rooms, pits and over 50 km of galleries and boreholes.
    These are the Bex Salt Mines, a unique site spanning hundreds of kilometres in radius and open to the public. Board the miners’ train to discover this fascinating subterranean world with a constant temperature of 18 °C.

    Deep within the rock, you’ll discover the various salt extraction techniques used since 1684. An audiovisual presentation will teach you all about the incredible history of this essential ingredient.
    Finally, your guide will give you a live demonstration of how our ancestors employed hard graft to extract the salt of the Alps imprisoned in the stone for 200 million years.


  • Picnic area
  • Toilets
  • Restaurant
  • Theme park
  • Free car park


  • Product tasting
  • Gastronomy
  • Geology
  • Regional products
  • Running


  • In the country
  • Mountain view
  • Isolated


Free entry for children < 6 years.
Group rate available for > 20 people.

Payment methods

  • Bank/credit card
  • Cash
  • Online payment

Good deals

Take part in our various events throughout the year :
o Spring brunch, 1st August brunch and automn brunch
o Evening visits to the Lanterne
o HalloMines
o La Semaine du Goût in the heart of the Bex Salt Mines !
o TrekkMines du Coulat et de la Sainte-Barbe
o Santa Claus at the Mine

Opening period

All year round.
Closed exceptionally on January 1st and December 25th.
April, May, June, September, October: two to four visits per day, Tuesday to Sunday and holidays.
July-August: four to ten visits per day, from Monday to Sunday.
Open on Mondays (Easter, Pentecost and Federal Fast).
Wednesday and weekends in January, February, March, November and December: one to two visits per day.
Open every day during the Spring and Christmas vacations: one to two visits per day.

For more information about the opening hours, please consult the website.

Spoken languages

  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Italian


Freeway A9, exit St-Triphon or Bex Follow the brown "Mines de Sel" signs.

5 km from Bex SBB station, 1h walk 3 km from Bévieux BVB station, 40 min walk Transport from Bex station to tourist site (Taxi Grain d'Sel) for individuals or groups on request by calling 024 463 40 40


Pets allowed : No


  • Tips : Take part in our various events throughout the year :
    o Spring brunch, 1st August brunch and automn brunch
    o Evening visits to the Lanterne
    o HalloMines
    o La Semaine du Goût in the heart of the Bex Salt Mines !
    o TrekkMines du Coulat et de la Sainte-Barbe
    o Santa Claus at the Mine

Bex Salt Mines
Route des Mines de Sel 55 CH - 1880 Bex
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